Placing your Adsense Ads in the right spots is very important to get a good CTR(Click Through Rate). This doesn't mean that you can place your Ads wherever you want in a page and expect a good revenue. Doing this not only makes your blog look untidy, but also increases your bounce rate because people do not want to read through your blog which is filled with Adsense rather than quality content. So placing your ads in the right place is very much important. One of those good spots is placing two rectangular ads beside each other in your posts like I have placed in this post.
It is quite easy to place two ads side by side and doesn't require any technical knowledge. Just copy the below code and paste it in your HTML editor of individual posts.
Just replace the "FIRST AD CODE HERE" and "SECOND AD CODE HERE" with your adsense codes and paste them in your HTML editor in your blogger posts.
If you have done everything successfully, then you should be able to see your ads between your post. Doing this does not violate Google's Adsense Policies. Remember that sometimes Adsense Ads can take time to activate.
Using this code, you can even place an Ad just beside an image like this
I have used this code in a post about permalinks and it came out pretty well. All you have to do is replace the second Ad code with the image link and details which will look something like this
Don't forget to include all the image properties like border, margin and alignment for better placement.
If you have done everything correctly, then you should be able to see two ads beside each other or an Ad beside an image.
If you have anything to say, please put them in the comments below.
Also Read: Add Social Media Buttons To Blog Posts.
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