Blogger Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Blogger Blogs

What is a Permalink- It's Effect on SEO

what is a permalink

Permanent link or in short Permalink is an address that links your posts with your blog's URL. For each post you write, a permalink is generated automatically. It is an important aspect of your blog's SEO and should not be neglected. There are usually two types of permalinks- an automated permalink and a custom permalink. An automated permalink is generated according to the title of the post and is not recommended for a good SEO score as it may have too many stop words or other phrases which may actually dilute your focus keywords. So, It is always good to use a custom permalink which has more focus only your keywords which is good from the optimization point of view.

A custom permalink has a positive effect on your site's rankings as it contains majority of your focus keywords. Let us have a look at an example to get a clear idea. 

How To Get Your Adsense Approved Easily

How to get your adsense approved easily

Monetizing your blog is a great way to earn some extra bucks while you blog. There are many monetization techniques out there but one of the most popular and promising way to earn is through the Google Adsense Program. Once you sign up to this program, Google let's you place Advertisements on your blog for which you get paid whenever a visitor clicks or hovers through the Advertisements on your blog. But the hard part is that Google doesn't just let you place Ads unless it is well reviewed by their experts. Any newbie blogger gets rejected the first time he has applied for Adsense. Google accepts only those applications that has the potential to drive enough traffic in the long run which benefits the publishers. They follow some criteria while reviewing your blog. So before you submit your blog to Adsense make sure you have followed the tips I have mentioned below to get your blog approved easily by Adsense.

#1 Quality Content

The first and foremost thing you need to take care is your content. People who visit your blog always expect what they were looking for. So it is your responsibility to provide them with good quality content. Quality content is what any blogger should not neglect to drive good traffic to his blog. Also your content should be authentic and genuine and which is not copied from other blogs. Take your time when writing articles. Do not try to write 4-5 articles a day. This will affect your article quality. Instead write one good keyword rich article per day which is of atleast 300 words and by doing that you can maintain your quality in your content. Not having quality content is one of the primary reasons most of the blogs are rejected by Adsense. So concentrate on QUALITY rather than on QUANTITY to get approved easily.

#2 Blog Design

The next thing you need to concentrate is on your blog's design. Visitors actually stay in your blog if they like the design of your blog. A simple and minimal design makes it easier for the readers to navigate through your blog to find what they were looking for. There are many free templates out there, select a template that matches your niche and also which looks neat and professional. Don't forget to choose a template which is responsive(that can be viewed on a mobile) because most readers tend to read through their mobile devices. A simple and professional blog design has a high rate of approval.

#3 Disclaimer And Privacy Policy

It is always a good thing to include Disclaimer and Privacy Policy pages to your blog. Adding these pages sends out a signal that your blog is a genuine one and is here to stay for long which gives a feeling to the reviewers that approving Adsense is profitable both to you as well as to Google. I have already written a post about adding Disclaimer and Privacy pages. to our menu. Create those pages and link them to your top menu as well as to the footer menu. Doing this will improve your chances of approval.

#4 Social Media Widgets

I have already written a post about the importance of social media platforms in driving organic traffic to your blog. Creating a good reader base is important to make your blog popular. Include a Facebook page widget  and social media share buttons at the end of each post. You can add a variety of social media buttons from this Blog. Adding these widgets shows that you are ready to prepare a good reader base which is a sign the reviewers look out for.

#5 Images and other Multimedia

The final thing that you need to look out for is whether your blog is colorful enough with images, videos and slides. Nobody wants to read through your blog with just a plain block of text. You need to grab your reader's attention by including images at the right places along with embedding youtube videos wherever applicable. Articles look more attractive if you include a header image along with Infographics in between your posts. Finally your goal is to give a professional touch to your blog which decides your Adsense approval.

Follow the above mentioned tips to get your Adsense account approved easily and please notify me in the comments if I have missed anything.

Happy Blogging!!!!



Place Two Ads Side By Side In Blogger

Place Two Ads Side By Side In Blogger

Placing your Adsense Ads in the right spots is very important to get a good CTR(Click Through Rate). This doesn't mean that you can place your Ads wherever you want in a page and expect a good revenue. Doing this not only makes your blog look untidy, but also increases your bounce rate because people do not want to read through your blog which is filled with Adsense rather than quality content. So placing your ads in the right place is very much important. One of those good spots is placing two rectangular ads beside each other in your posts like I have placed in this post.

     It is quite easy to place two ads side by side and doesn't require any technical knowledge. Just copy the below code and paste it in your HTML editor of individual posts.


Just replace the "FIRST AD CODE HERE" and "SECOND AD CODE HERE" with your adsense codes and paste them in your HTML editor in your blogger posts.

Place Two Ads Side By Side In Blogger

If you have done everything successfully, then you should be able to see your ads between your post. Doing this does not violate Google's Adsense Policies. Remember that sometimes Adsense Ads can take time to activate.

Using this code, you can even place an Ad just beside an image like this

I have used this code in a post about permalinks and it came out pretty well. All you have to do is replace the second Ad code with the image link and details which will look something like this

Don't forget to include all the image properties like border, margin and alignment for better placement.

If you have done everything correctly, then you should be able to see two ads beside each other or an Ad beside an image.

If you have anything to say, please put them in the comments below.

Also Read: Add Social Media Buttons To Blog Posts.

Add Social Media Buttons In Blogger Blogs

add social media buttons in blogger

It is very important to reach out to your audience in every way possible to attract good traffic to your blog. There are many ways to reach out to your audience and one among them is to make your audience share your posts as soon as they have finished reading your article. So adding social media buttons at the end of every post is quite beneficial to reach your audience. Follow the steps below to add cool social media buttons at the end of every post in your blogger blogs.

NOTE: Before doing any changes to your code, It is recommended that you back up the whole Template just in case anything goes wrong.

Adding Social Media Buttons

  • In your Blogger dashboard Goto Template-->Edit HTML.
  • In the code area, press CTRL+F to open the search box. Type ]]></b:skin> and press Enter.
  • Just above the ]]></b:skin> paste the code shown below.


                   .share_button { 
                   width: 300px;

                   height: 50px; 
                   margin: 10px auto; 
                 .share_button ul { 
                  width: 50%; 
                  height: inherit; 
                  float: left; 
                  list-style: none; 
                  margin: 0 !important; 
                  padding: 0 !important; 
                 .share_button ul h1 { 
                 margin-top: 9%; 
                 overflow: hidden; 
                 width: 100%;
                 color: #4889F0; 
                 font-size: 18px; 
                 text-shadow:2px 2px 2px #fff; 
                .share_button ul li { 
                position: absolute; 
                height: inherit;  
                width: 150px; 
                margin: 0 !important; 
                padding: 0 !important; 
                background: #EEEEEE;
               -webkit-transition: all 600ms;
               -moz-transition: all 600ms;
               -o-transition: all 600ms;
               -ms-transition: all 600ms;
               transition: all 600ms;
               text-align: center;
              .share_button ul li h2 { 
              display: inline-block; 
              width: 32%; 
              height: 40px; 
              overflow: hidden; 
              margin-top: 5%; 
              cursor: pointer; 
              border: 0 !important; 
             .share_button ul:first-child li:first-child{
             text-align: right; 
            .share_button ul:last-child li:first-child{
            text-align: left; 
             .share_button ul:first-child li:last-child,
              .share_button:hover ul:first-child li:first-child {
             -webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg);
            -moz-transform: rotateY(90deg);
            -o-transform: rotateY(90deg);
          -ms-transform: rotateY(90deg);
          transform: rotateY(90deg);
            .share_button ul:last-child li:last-child,
           .share_button:hover ul:last-child li:first-child {
         -webkit-transform: rotateY(-90deg);
          -moz-transform: rotateY(-90deg);
        -o-transform: rotateY(-90deg);
        -ms-transform: rotateY(-90deg);
         transform: rotateY(-90deg);  
       .share_button:hover ul:first-child li:last-child,
      .share_button:hover ul:last-child li:last-child {
      -webkit-transform: rotateY(0deg);
      -moz-transform: rotateY(0deg);
       -o-transform: rotateY(0deg);
      -ms-transform: rotateY(0deg);
      transform: rotateY(0deg); 

  • Now that we have pasted the CSS code, we need to now place the HTML code. For this search for
                         <div class='post-footer'> 

  • Place the following code just above the above code.
 <div class='share_button'>
Share It
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;t=&quot; + data:post.title ' title='Share on Facebook'><img src=""/></a></h2>

<h2><a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.title + &quot; &quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl ' title='Share on Twitter'><img src=""/></a></h2>
<li><h1>his page</h1></li>

<h2><a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.canonicalUrl ' title='Share on Google Plus'><img src=""/></a></h2>

<a href='javascript:void((function(){var%20e=document.createElement(&apos;script&apos;);e.setAttribute(&apos;type&apos;,&apos;text/javascript&apos;);e.setAttribute(&apos;charset&apos;,&apos;UTF-8&apos;);e.setAttribute(&apos;src&apos;,&apos;;+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e)})());' title='Share on Pinterest'><img src=""/></a>

  • After you have done everything, Save your template and should be seeing your Social media buttons at the end of every post.
If you have anything to say, please put them in the comments below.

Blogger Custom Domain- Set Up Guide

custom domain for blogger

The One thing that I love about blogger blogs apart from the fact that it is free, is the option to set up a custom domain to your blog. Setting up a custom domain gives us that extra edge that we have always been longing for.  It is actually quite easy to set up a custom domain and you do not need to panic about the tweaks you need to apply in your domain's home page.

    Follow this guide if you need to set a blogger custom domain.

Blogger Custom Domain

  • Well, the first thing you need to do is to register your domain though any of the domain partners. There are many vendors out there but  I strongly recommend Godaddy because of it's simple interface which is lot a less confusing than any other partners out there.
custom domain for blogger
  • Now that you have registered your domain which looks something like, login to your registered account probably Godaddy or in whichever domain partner you have registered with.
  • In your account search for DNS file editor and click on it. Some sites have it like DNS Settings. Here we need to create entries that point to your hosting account (Here your hosting account is blogger).

custom domain for blogger

  • Now we need to create two kinds of entries- A(host) records and CNAME records.
  • First select "Add New Record" and select CNAME records. For the CNAME records login to your blogger dashboard and click on Settings. 
  • In that Go to Basic settings and select set-up third party URL. Here enter the full URL of the domain you have registered.
custom domain for blogger
  • Here you will be getting a pair of host names and their destinations or values. These are the values you need to add in your domain account.

custom domain for blogger
  • Add these values in the CNAME records section.
  • After you add these, again select Add New Record and click on A (Host) records. In this category you need to provide @ in the Host section and in the Enter values field, enter the values given below.
  •  These are  Google's IP addresses and these are used when a user enters your URL without the www. 
  • Now save all the changes in your domain dashboard as well as your blogger dashboard. Make sure to check redirect to This will redirect your visitor when he enters the non www version of your site.
  • Now you have successfully set up a custom domain or URL to your blogger blog. Remember that it might take up to 48 hours for the setings to take effect. So please be patient.
After 48 hours, your will can be successfully accessed using your custom URL. If you have anything to say, please put them in the comments below.